Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy 2006!

It's the 1st day of 2006!!! I woke up to a rainy and cool morning. Overcast. Wanted to go for a run but it has been raining for the past 3 hours ever since I woke up! Aiye. Shall postpone my run to tomorrow.

I would be running now if I'm not going to work later. The rain has become lighter considerably but I would not have the luxury to go about slowly and run a long run for I have to rush back to go work at 1pm! Sigh. Yeah, I am working on this day, the 1st day of 2006. It's never happen to me before. Geez. I was, and still am, rather 'mentally-unbalanced' when I learnt that I have to work today, tomorrow, and on Hari Raya Haji! That's for being a healthcare worker. The hospital operates 24 hours eh? U cannot ask it to stop operating on public holidays. That's how noble a medical worker is. I'm not talking about myself, but all those who willingly give their time and energy. Even though we are paid extra, it's not really that much and I would serioulsy rather spend time at home doing things I want. My own personal time. Yeah, that's how important my personal time is to me. Have not been having enough of it lately. For quite long already actually. Hence, no time to blog much, nor write my personal diary at home.

Others are having a long weekend at home, but I have to report to work later. Sigh. Sad man. My friends are very understanding though. I have spoken to many of them and they understand when I have to go home early, or spend time at home instead of meeting them these few days. I'm starting night shift this coming week and needs the rest. Thanks pals.

The rain outside my widneow is like snowflakes now. I can see each droplet being scattered sparsely. It's reminiscent of the snowflakes in the mountains of the Iranian landscape that I passed through enroute to Rasht. It's magical, my 1st encounter with snow, with a white landscape that speaks of desolation and idealism at the same time. I have not been thinking of Iran for a long time, I realise...

It's the festive season and I have received xmas cards from aboard. From Maddy in London and Xue in JB. It's still aboard although it's the neighbouring state! More online xmas greetings from my Iranian friends - Kourosh, Gity and family, Maryam and family, and Gity's son who's in Philippines. And also from a Sri Lankan tour guide whom I knew from my trip in Dec 2004.

Time flies. Looking back on 2005, I'm utmost glad that I have gone to Iran for my grad trip and made all the friends. It's amazing we are in touch still and I'm going to keep it this way for as long as possible.

A little bit of retail therapy for me yesterday. I knocked off at 2pm, and went down to Orchard, intending to look for a decent pair of new shoes for CNY. Nope, none that caught my eyes after browsing through Centrepoint Robinsons and Taka. Simply not my type. I rather get a pair of Birks. I got a new saucepan for the house though! It's long overdue as the current one is horribly scratched. Mum should be happy that I'm contributing to the household yet again. :p

My fave stop next: Kinokuniya. Ah ha... I have the discount from YL with me here and $70 vouchers from my bday last year. Wanted to get something, but no urge to get any books of late, unlike last year when I went on a spree after receiving the vouchers from my NYP classmates. I actually still have a couple of books at home which I have not read yet! I browsed through, taking my time... Then I cannot resist but go to the travel guides section. No urge to go anywhere. Serious! But just wanna walk to taht section and see what new guides LP has for 2006. :)

I spotted a book titled, 'Bluelist' published by LP and it's a whole lot of places to see and things to do in 2006-07. Cool pictures from around the world, good quality paperback, right size to place on my book shelf, and the price is great too! Going at $35.70, it would only be $28.55 after the discount. After much consideration, I decided to get it for myself as a new year present. Haha... Xmas cum new year present then. I have spent quite a lot the past month but realised they are all spent on gifts for friends and colleagues. Nothing for myself. This would be the gift for myself then! :) It's a collector's item anyway. And everytime I should feel weary of life, I reckon this should be the best book to open up and reminds myself of what I'm living for. :)

The queue looked long, but they're fast. I heard someone behind me telling his mum to go get more books in perfect Mandarin. And it sounded like a friend. I did not want to believe that it could be him. After only a few seconds did I decide to turn around. No harm right? Haha! What a coincidence! It was really YK! What a small world! He just got back from U.S. the week before and I actually did thought of asking him to meet up the day before. Realised it's a bit last minute, so decided against it. And what a real coincidence to see him queuing up behind me! Haha... We did 'meet up' after all. Would arrange for a proper lunch meeting soon.


During one of the runs last week, I found that I have so many groups of friends I have yet to meet up with in 2005. I have been very discliplined training for my half marathon the last few months. I treasure my own personal time at home as well and love staying in at home to write or read, or simply catch up with my fave documentary on the telly. I can say I'm still quite adamant about running and swimming twice a week each. My schedule would be organised around them, rather than arrange them around my schedule. After all, they are important moments of silence for me in which I can hear my innermost voice and sort out my thoughts. That was what happened last Thurs during the run. I have to manage my time even better in order to meet friends. It does not help that I have shift work. I have more personal time, and am unable to meet. Sigh. U cannot have the best of both worlds eh? It's good that I always feel I could do better with more time on hands. That simply means I am really truly living out each second. Not wasting any away.

2006. My fave number. Heh. A new year, with new hopes and resolutions. When friends ask me where I'm hoping to go this year, I replied them, "That has to depend on how much leave I can apply for at one go." The time of year is also a factor. I am happy at work now, even though I do complain a bit at times. That's inevitable, isn't it? I have learnt to be grateful to the institution that allows me to travel during my school days due to the sponsorship that they have given me. Otherwise, I would not be able to realise my dreams so early in life and know what I want to do really with Life. :)

Happy New Year.

The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!
~Edward Payson Powell


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