Thursday, March 10, 2005

2nd simulation

My 2nd time simulating a biathlon today. It was much better than the first time. Swam only 40 laps in the pool(the actual length is only 30 laps of the pool) and got down to running for 1hr 2min. The sun was out hot and fierce. I was so worried for my back although it was only the 9-10am sun. There were simply no cloud cover at all! As im typing this, my back is itching now, sign of an imminent flare-up. Crossing my fingers…

Purposely ran under shady areas… Ran around the industrial park outside my school and then towards AMK and then back and everywhere… Did not exactly know where I was also, but as long as I did not get lost, it was fine. Or rather, as long as there was shade, it was fine.

The run was much more bearable today, perhaps cuz as compared to the 1st time, I was training in the morning when my energy level is at the peak? Or perhaps I swam 10 laps less? Or perhaps my body is getting used to running right after a swim? Or I had a sip of 100PLUS before the run? Or maybe it’s because I had a heavy breakfast?

Whatever it was, I’m so looking forward to my biathlon on the 26th Mar. My fave number! *Hiak* At the same time, it’s something totally new I’m attempting, so will give it my best shot man! Wish me luck, pals!


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