Thursday, March 10, 2005

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

When I stepped out of the train today at 6pm, the air smelt heavy, humid and hazy. Yet, it was a kind of refreshed after the sudden downpour that caught most parts of Singapore by surprise in the late afternoon. Most people did not seem to sense the difference in the atmosphere when they stepped out of the train. Most people were only using their sense of sight to make sure they hurry home. What about the sense of touch? And the sense of smell? The sense of smell that allows u to differentiate the difference in the air temperature of the MRT and the air outside… Don’t lose that… most of us are blessed with all functioning 5 senses… Don’t take it for granted…


7th March: Did I not mention what happened when I was out on Chinatown on Monday? Actually went to see a dermatologist for my skin problem, and then he told me to go get a referral letter from the polyclinic to see docs at National Skin Centre so that they can do tests on my hypersensitive back which will flare up into hives upon exposure to the UV light. Yeah man, those swimming-under-the-afternoon-sun-days are so OVER! Had this problem for the past 9 months?! Ever since I returned from Vietnam… Sigh… My beautiful back… :p And Mum’s incessant grumblings…

Anyway, not to sidetrack, I received a surprise phonecall from Sri Lanka! Now that I recalled, I actually did not blog much about my last few days in Sri Lanka, due to the fact that the tsunami that occurred seemed to shadow over everything that should be done instead. I made this friend on the way to the airport from Colombo on the day of departure. As I had to pay for 2 seats if I placed my backpack on another seat, I had it tucked in front of me. And…erm… as the bus was a mini-bus, it was really squeezy! The Sri Lankan beside me(he was sitting in a 2-seater while I was taking the 1-seater by the window) offered to let me place my huge backpack beside him as he had bought a printer and some other computer hardware and he was planning to pay for both seats.

I declined his offer. Did not want to take up his seat and make him uncomfortable should my bag took up to much space. But I had no choice later as the side of my bag was jutting out and they had to free up the aisle for passengers to sit. So, I let him place my bag on the seat beside him and thanked him profusely. Even offered to pay him half the amount, but he insisted that it was all right. AiYE!!!! So paiseh!

The bus did not stop at the airport but about 1km outside the airport. Thought my new-found friend was going to the airport, but he was actually going home! He had gone to Colombo to buy some computer stuff for his shop! I see! He was taking a tuk-tuk to go home and he offered to fetch me to the airport, all the while telling me that he has no ill intentions and that he’s married! Heh… I declined, insisting I could walk. Then he brought his wife and son to see me off at the airport later on. :) That was sweet! I actually had someone to send me off from Sri Lanka!

We exchanged phone numbers and emails. And tada… guess what? Yup, that phone call was from him. After 3 months… Amazing. Chatted for a while, the reception was good, but due to his heavy accent, I could not really make out what he said exactly… Got his phone number but not the email address. He said he would call again soon. :) Hope it does not cost him much.

8th March: Checked emails. Surprised to find 1 from a German that we knew from our trip and another from a Sri Lankan. The German guy, Hans, had been in contact with us since the tsunamis struck and we were concerned about the family we stayed at. Their homes were washed away. It seemed like they finally managed to resettle in and got internet connection a few days ago, at which point our guide, Karnal, emailed us. He did not leave us a very good impression, but it was his family that Eileen and I were concerned about. Great, they are safe and sound. I am utmost glad to hear that. However, Hans still did not have any news of the Swiss guy we knew.

9th March: I was penning down my thoughts in my diary and looking forward to watching ‘Amazing Race’ at 1030 when my neighbour knocked on my door and handed me a envelope parcel which was passed to her grandson earlier when I was out. I was surprised. Wondered who would send me a parcel and tried to make out the country it came from. “Postage paid�, “UK�, “01/03/05�, “Citipost�…. It was from UK! And the only person I can think of was MADDY! Oh, erm, that’s her nick and im so used to calling her that cuz that’s what she always signed off with. AHHHH!!!! Opened up and read the postcard with HUGE, BRILLIANT, SILLY smiles on my face. In fact, I was laughing away! What a PLEASANT SURPRISE!!!! I was totally thrilled! I was over the cloud! I was…. Alright, my vocab is limited, but u can imagine the happiness I was revelling in! :)

I had send her some photos of Vietnam when we were on this tour together. And she sent me fudge and toffee! And a postcard from London! :) Words cannot describe how I feel… *SIGH*

Monday surprise. Tuesday surprise. Wednesday surprise. Somehow, although I am staying in Singapore this 3 weeks break, although im not out there seeking the world, the world seems to be seeking me out… A call from Sri Lanka, emails from Sri Lanka and Germany, and a parcel from London! Boy…. I will step out of this cocoon in late April, my last chance to explore another part of the world before I become a part of the working world officially…


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