Tuesday, March 08, 2005

i)My run ii)Pulau Semakau iii)smoking & iv)casino

Went for a run just now. 1hour 6min. Great. Not too bad a run, except my legs were feeling quite stiff when I just started out, most probably due to the insufficient movement as I was sitting in front of the computer the whole day!

Wonder whether if it was a good day for run, or was it because I haven’t ran this route on a weekday before, as I ran past a total of 16 runners! 13 were met head on, meaning they were running in the opposite direction as me. Out of this 16 runners, 4 were female. 25%. Not a very encouraging number, but better than none, as I often don’t meet any female runners at all during my runs.

Met 5 cyclists as well, erm, they were cycling on the road while I was on the pavement. 1 female out of the 5 of them. Whoa. I usually run this route on Sundays but I have never met so many other sports enthusiasts out there before! J The feeling was good, considering we were all out there giving our bodies a little push and pumping it up for a better one!

The headline news was on recognising Pulau Semakau as an area rich in biodiversity. Great news for that! I had just been to Sungei Buloh with a friend on Sunday and the migratory season seems to be over as I did not see as many different species of birds as I did in Nov last year. And I had my binoculars with me this time round! Sigh. Gotta wait till Sep when the feathered creatures fly into the country again! Read more about Pulau Semakau in the short extract from the news report below!

Semakau Island - Singapore's landfill - has been found to be rich in bio-diversity.

Mr Yatiman Yusof, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Information, Communications and the Arts, and MP for Tampines GRC, said: "The rejuvenated natural habitat of Pulau Semakau with the mangrove mudflat and bakau trees provided attractive opportunities for the creative, and going beyond just a landfill, as Semakau-Seking is large enough area for recreation.

"I would like to suggest that the island be developed into an intensive recreational area. Facing an open sea, it could be developed into a sea sport centre for those who love to go yatching, boating, sea kayaking, wind surfing and even sports fishing."

And so by the second quarter of this year, groups like the Nature Society can start activities there and the National Enviroment Agency will put in the necessary amenities.

2nd headline news: On the ban of smoking in public places like bus shelters, interchanges, public toilets, swimming complexes and stadiums and community clubs from 1st Oct onwards, and hawker centres by year end! Another piece of GREAT news! YAHOO!!!! I always hate it when I smell cigarette smoke at the fitness corner where I do some workout cuz some idiot is sitting there on the bench puffing away. What the!?!? It’s a place for healthy people to get some exercises done and yet, we have to put up with the disgusting air which is polluted by these inconsiderate people who don’t give a damn about what they are doing to their bodies and pockets. (A pkt of cigarettes costs a lot!) they should extend this ban to parks and fitness corners around Singapore ASAP man. Many people would be in full support of this.

3rd headline news: Not a good one. If u guys have followed the news, u should know that there was a man who jumped to his death and there were 3 dead people found in his home. A friend was telling me that this is a social issue and that Singapore has many social problems and yet, a casino is pending on the government’s list. Wah. Déjà vu? Cuz the news report today announced that it was due to gambling that had forced the man over the ledge. Read more about it here.
I’m against the idea of the casino. As simply as that. No escape from social problems that will definitely arise. Maybe this is a sign that Singapore should not have one at all.

That's all from me. Look out for this space for some photos from me. Btw, did I mention that u went to Chinatown yesterday for a walk? Yeah, u guess it. Too much time. :p


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