Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A beautiful day

Chinese New Year is over. It's back to work, work and more work. Mid-February. Whoa. It was too much feasting and too little work-outs for me over the CNY period, resulting in a huge drop in my stamina over the past week. :p Maybe not cardio's fault but just my legs and body trunk not strong enough after so many days of rest. My runs were no more as swift as they were in Jan or Dec after the SCSM. Just a short hiatus can cause so much disruption. Aiye. Now u know why I have to stick very closely to my training days and goals when I am training for an event.

So I started the new year(lunar, nevertheless) in a new department. I was transferred to A&E last week and I was already being prepared mentally for the heavy workload when it gets incredibly busy. I was not scared out of my wits nor did I panicked, just take it as per normal and did my best to cope. People really do come into A&E for the silliest reasons, one being back pain!?!?! Sigh. The area is not big enough to accommodate all the trolleys and those cases that are really urgent like trauma and accident patients would have to wait for their turn with those non-urgent cases. I really empathise with those 'sincerely-injured' patients who require more immediate attention than anyone else. Sigh.

The department is rather 'laid-back' and relaxed as well. When it's quiet (at times), we can chit chat, surf the net and the manager in charge of the department would chat with us as well. There's no airs about him at all and he's a very open person. I say this because of the topics we talk about, including the department and some politics and also my career advancement, as well as our families, interests and just yesterday, we talked about travel!!! My favourite topic! :) He likes to travel too and he wanted to match make me with some angmohs that he knows who backpack and travel!! Haha. That is how open we get when we chat. It was real fun in fact. I even showed him and my fellow colleagues some websites on travel. Yeah, very often, it's often the people that make of your life. That was the case in Judo, when things were going tough, there's the people whom u can fall back onto and give u a helping hand when u need it most. Work can get unpleasant when it gets busy too and u need a team to support u. It is here in this A&E department. They stress a lot on teamwork and welfare. :)

A new year, with new resolutions. Mmm, sounds familiar? That's because I have listed a few in my previous blog. After this lunar new year season, I am even clearer as to what I would hope to get done this year. Yeah, hope, maybe I should use a stronger word, 'want'. :p
1) Learn roller-blading
2) Take my basic theory driving test
3) Get my Jap rolling!
4) Buy a decent mountain bike? and hopefully
5) Take part in my 1st triathlon this year
6) Run a marathon at the end of the year
7) Increase my financial education

Sounds like a lot of things? I do not think so. With respect to goal number 7, I am currently reading a book by Robert Kiyosaki and it's interesting.
"The mistake adults make when looking at the future is that they see the future from their own eyes. That is why so many adults cannot see the changes that are coming.if u want to see how the world will be in 10 years, just watch a 15-year old girl or boy. Observe the world from their eyes and you will see the future."

"If u can let go of your vision of the world and actually see the world from a younger person?s point of view, you will see a much bigger world, a world filled with tremendous change and an abundance of opportunities yet to come."

Nevertheless, the above was directed at the business world and about making investments. However, I quote it here as I feel that it can apply to many other areas in our life. Seeing the world from the eyes of a young teenager, or even a kid. One that's full of wondrous amazements. That's why I travel.

With the current uproar over the cartoons that wrongfully and indignantly depicts the Prophet Muhammad, I only have one thing to say. Why can't the Western world be more sensitive towards the other religions, especially in this present WORLD situation of the war against terror and Islam being placed in the news more often than not? It's not about press freedom or other rights. It's about the most basic issue in life: RESPECT. Respect towards other human beings. Respect towards the religious beliefs of others who share this common place called 'Earth' with you. If they possess this fundamental quality, the world would be a more peaceful place. Gone would be the abuse of the captives, of the Iraqis. If the suicide bombers would possess the RESPECT towards Life, gone would be their warped thinking.



Look at the many books that Robert Kiyosaki has written so far. No one would have believe that he failed his high school English twice because of his inability to write. He was labelled stupid and a failure at the age of 15. It certainly was a very painful event in his growing up days. When I read this, I remembered my own college results upon receiving the result slip that day. I failed my GP. Yeah, it was a D7. Just failed on the borderline. C6 would have made the passing grade. Looking back, I still have the tiniest regrets, as I believe I am capable of achieving more. My prelim grade for GP was good, with my tutor even encouraging me to keep up the good work. Well, who do not have their regrets? I know I can write well (at least that's what many of my friends told me) and I even had a doctor praise me for speaking 'good, structured English' before. My vocabulary may not be as wide as those high achievers in HC, but I'm sure I can express my ideas across in my writings. And I love writing about travel. Hah!

I once had a dream of writing a book when I retire as I referred to my diaries in my secondary school days. To relive those days when I grow old was the reason why I decided to write diary back then. Those were the most tumultuous days, your growing up days. Probably the most wonderful days I ever would have with friends in schools locally. Nothing can ever replace them. Note that I wrote 'locally?'as I have had wonderful days NOW too, but often OVERSEAS. ;p When I travel, that is.

Good friends even suggest me writing a book on my travels. Yeah, a young Singaporean girl's travels to the exotic places in the world. Not many at the moment, but the list will grow eventually. Oh, how I love travelling!

I will still hold on to the dream of writing a book when I grow old. ;)


Today is my break day from my work-outs. It's a Wednesday. I had ran on Monday, and swam yesterday. Both days were horribly HOT! The weather today looks so fine, with the sun hidden behind the clouds most of the time. Too bad it's my rest day. Working 2-9pm for the whole of this week from Monday to Saturday, hence gotta get my work-outs done in the morning. Starting to increase the number of work-outs in preparation for Safra Biathlon on the 26th March! I certainly hope I can get an off-day on that day! Otherwise, I would have to change it with someone.

Just a note to myself: Ran 1hour 10min on Monday with 4 sets of F/C

14th Feb (Tuesday): Swam 60laps of F.S. 10:17, 10:35, 10:36, ?, ?, 10:50 + 6 laps of B.S. Lost count of the 30th-50th laps. There was not much on my mind, but just somehow got distracted. Only did 6laps of B.S as the sun was FURIOUS! It was already 11 then! Argh! Enjoyed the spa pool at the other corner of the complex after that. Had it massage my back and calves! Shiok! :)

Monday afternoon was horribly busy at A&E. It's usually like that at the department. Sigh. It's tiring and reminds me of 'A' corridor, except that this time, we have to push trolleys, change patients (if the HCA is not around) and use the stationary grid UNDER the trolley which means we have to carry the HEAVY grid+cassette and keep squatting down and bending... My poor knees and back... I was super tired when I woke up yesterday morning even though I slept for 8 hours already. As MR had said, it's a matter of getting used to... :p

"I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within. " ~Lillian Smith


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