Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Could not surf for the past week!

My computer is finally up and working again!!!

Yeah, it was down for the past week or so... Actually, not exactly down but I could not surf internet at all due to a bug in ZoneAlarm that affected me and ZoneAlarm, being my firewall, bloacked me from surfing. I could log online though. I could not uninstall ZoneAlarm as a software was using it or something like that. Got so fed-up with it and could not reply so many emails from friends overseas... Luckily I had a simple instruction from an IT technical support officer who came to my aid! And it was all so simple! Simply press 'F8' when ur computer is starting up and it will take u to a black screen with various choices on it. Choose 'Safe Mode' and then I was able to uninstall the stupid firewall!!! Haha... Great! Spent the past hour or so uploading pics and replying emails. And i'm still not done! Tomorrow...

Wanted to go for a run today, but decided to give my body a rest after a hard day's work. It was the busiest day so far that I have come across so far in the department ever since I started work 3 weeks ago! There was a meeting at the end of the day at 5-630pm and I almost fell asleep at the beginning of it! :p However, on the way back, my mind was still strong... Surprisingly... Mentally strong... My hips have been giving me some slight problems this 2 days. Not a good sign. When I ran on uneven ground(ie. Grass patches) last Wed, I ended my last 100metres with a slight pain cum numbing sensation down the whole of my outer (lateral) right thigh. Of course, the origin was the hip joint area which has been 'creaking' for the past few years ever since I injured it in the Judo days. The 'creaking' only got more serious afterI started running longer distances. And that kind of sensation I experienced last Wed was a 1st. Geez. Not a good sign at all. What's happening to my hips?!?! I'm so young only! I'm not going to let anything happen to my body! It was alright on Sunday's run when I ran on concrete ground, but there were definitely signs of an impending recurrance due to 'creaking'. Hmph. Maybe time to see the sports doc soon? I will monitor and gauge... Don't want to spend the money and don't have the time too... :p

Much to write but want to catch an early night today. Going swimming tomorrow! Certainly looking forward to my 1st event this Sunday after I returned from Iran!

Trust, Love & Keep Moving (Growing)
---Caitlyn Woollard


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